Hey Hey, Journey Gang!
Welcome to Journey618,
A safe space for expressions, shared experiences, fearlessness & personal growth.
As I build out this blog, I find myself reflecting on my life from the time I was a little girl up until now. I’m beyond grateful for how blessed I am and also shocked at the same time that I’m alive and healthy.
As responsible as I am or at least try to be, I’ve made A LOT of dumbass decisions in my life. Some on accident, most being naive, and others just on purpose. I’ve put myself in some dangerous situations being on some YOLO activity, thinking I knew it all and also just being a small town girl trying to navigate this big world by myself.
I mention this because I notice when speaking with teenage girls and young adults, the thing we have in common is thinking that life is super peachy once we turn 18 and leave our parent’s house. It’s actually the opposite and that’s when life really begins for us to start exploring and learning ourselves.
Life has been up and life has also been really low but that’s just it…It’s freaking life! How you really find yourself is by making mistakes and learning the lessons from them. Falling down and getting right back up again to continue on your journey and mission. I’m still learning lessons at 30 and becoming more attentive to the areas that I still need growth in.
As much as people assume I have it all together and all figured out, I’m still learning my overall purpose and navigating womanhood to the best of my ability. As I share vulnerable areas of my life here for my own mental relief, I welcome a space for my readers who are young, feel invisible, feel voiceless, feel non powerful, battling with anxiety, depression, etc. to do the same.
Whatever the case may be, let’s connect and make this journey purposeful!
Peace & Love,